[censored], no Christians in the pews sat idly by and allowed pedophile priests,(an extremely small percentage by the way) to molest alter boys. Show us where that happened idiot. And the alter boys who outed them were Christians as well. Pedophile priests have, and are being convicted and sent to jail. I personally would have them sentenced to death, but it is Libtards like you who have hamstrung the courts and fought for "rehabilitation" rather than severe punishment that might have a chilling effect on others contemplating committing the same crime.

Nobody has called for good Muslims to drag bad Muslims into the streets for justice. Show us where we have. We have said that they consistantly don't even criticize or attempt to change the cancer withing their religion. You cannot say the same about Christians. But YOU do. Because you are mentally retarded.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.