I've not finished restocking the gun yet. It is not marked Optimus anywhere, that's why I refer to it as Optimus Quality. It at least the equal of the early Optimus that is in Bob Elliot's book. The gun is a cocking rod model with a piviot lever. The bottom of the frame is carved in the style of the high grade guns and has some scroll and border engraving. The breach balls have two small clovers and a pomegranate carved on each side.

The forend button on this gun was the only metal part missing and I had Buck Hamlin replace it. I'm thinking of having a Wart Hog engraved on it so the collectors 100 years from now will go crazy. The forend tip is carved from horn and was a lovely shade of green when I got the gun.

I've shown this picture before but I think it has one of the most elegant top levers I've ever seen. Even though the picture doesn't show well the metal checkering is perfect and is at least 40 lpi.

So there you have it.

Last edited by Doug Mann; 03/25/07 02:38 PM.

Doug Mann