Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Keith as usual you're twisting what I said....I said I'm for back ground checks on private gun sales.

Nothing more nothing less.

Originally Posted By: keith
On this issue, he stands with Barack Hussein Obama. His feet are firmly planted and we aren't going to change his mind.

I'd as soon stand with the devil himself as stand with Obama....I stand on having some common sense.

"common sense" you must be kidding,far from it.
You have been shown fact after fact that,again;

Criminals do NOT buy guns they steal them

The NRA does NOT, agree with you

You can NOT go buy a gun and resell it to someone "in the hood" without breaking a Federal law now.

Universal Backround checks DO require registration !

we have asked many times and have NO response


once again jOe,
you stand hand and hand with Obama,Pelosi,Schumer,and Feinstein with a big SUCKER sticker on your head.

All because,jOe stubbornly-with NO basis in fact, wants to be able to tell one group-who "you" feel should not own guns-and BTW it will not stop even one of them from buying them.

One day soon someone is going to tell YOU jOe,what you can an can not own guess what you helped them !

Hillary For Prison 2018