Steve-I wish you were in the shop working on the actions (especiallu mine!!!) instead of typing! But since you aren't, glad you chimed in.

Most of my friends are also busienss owners. Any time one of us is thinking about branching out, redirecting focus, or whatever, then we usually bounce ideas off of each other. It is much easier to work out problems when you are in the theoretical, as opposed to operational, phase. I want to be sure every one took me at total face value before. i was just throwing out some ideas to be sure the right heads had thought about them.

THis is also why I pointed out the providing a bare Wesson action is much different than providing a shotgun kit. The skill needed to make a rifle out of the Wesson is much less and different than that required for assembling a double shotgun kit.

I would suggest having a couple of stock sets made up to function test the guns. The kits would be assembled and fit in your shop, then screw the stocks on and shoot for function. Then sell the tested barrelled actions.

I am basing what I have said on personal experience, and from talking to others. An important one of "the others" is Butch Searcy who did the exact same kit program talked about here.

You can import AYA barreled actions in the white. Has anyone priced these? Has anyone looked into other Spanish makers who would import in-the-white sidelock shotguns? What about the Italians? I know some of them will import barreled actions. How much does this cost and what is involved? What about Steve Lamboy-has anyone tried to talk to him to see what went right and what went wrong? His inital busienss model had him selling in-the-white barreled actions. I don't know if he ever was able to do so,excluding the "bag-o'-parts" you can buy from Galazan's. Plus it would be a sound legal move to get the low down on what he controls of Lefever. With any new business move, you must research the competition.

I will close by restating what I said in the first post-I hope this plan really does come through. I would love to buy one of the 20 ga. kits, no matter how rough they are. I am in no way, shape, or form trying to be negative or rain on a parade. I am just doing exactly what my friends and I do when doing anything new in one of our busiensses. I sincerely hope that everyone takes me at face value and understands that asking these questions and making these statements is just appropriate due diligance. Going through these exercises is just normal busienss practice. If I did not care about the people or outcome, I would have kept my mouth shut.

skunk out