Ken - Admittedly, I know very little about Lefevers. You asked for suggestions and you are getting them. I'm sure you are seeing many of the same requests that Fox, Parker, Smith, and Ithaca did. I'm also sure you realize this project can't be all things to all people. It's smart to plan now for things you may want to offer in the future, but I would suggest that you use the KISS method for the first offering. I'm not comparing the gun itself with the RBL, but even with all the resources available to Tony Galazan, look at how few options are offered on the RBL. The options that are offered seem to be ones that don't require a lot of extra machining, hand fitting, or inventory. I would like to see this project be a huge success, and, IMHO, a compromise between the number of options offered and simplicity of logistics will be necessary, at least at the outset. The fact that you will leave the engraving, and wood to the individual owner leads me to believe you've considered this, but wanted to let you know there are others out here who understand that also.