1. Don't shoot low gun. You're not any less of a man if you don't. If, after you get the correct concept and can hit them, then go back to low gun and work on your speed if you want. First things first.

2. Shoot last. Ask your fellow shooters to all shoot the high before they move to the low. Watch the targets. Know the flight path, but don't watch the shooters. Just the targets.

3. Foot position for the high (right handed shooter) is at the rear corner of the station, farthest away from the center stake, facing the outfield. Your weight should be mostly on your pivot foot, and stay there. Don't shift your weight to your back foot, keep it on your pivot foot.

4. Hold a few feet out from the house along the target path, BE READY, and simply cover and shoot. I see some wild gyrations on station 8, and none of it is necessary. A follow through is a must, but your foot position should not change. Your gun should end up a few feet past where you broke the target. The closer to the house you break the target within reason, the better. Try for about two thirds of the way to the center stake.

5. For the low, face the house. Weight on left foot, lean a little left if it helps. BE READY, and just cover and shoot.

Station 8 is really fun. Shoot a couple boxes of shells there. It gets funner when you start hitting them.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble