Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
I have had many people that know much more about doubles than I do tell me that the Miller single triggers are very, very reliable and are the best single trigger on a double. I don't doubt it. And if you want a single trigger on your side by side I think that is your perogative.

But I have had single trigger problems on a high percentage of my single trigger side by sides and over and unders. A just out of the box CZ Ringneck 28 gauge doubled and had to be sent for repairs. A Parker Reproduction 28 gauge failed to switch to the other barrel as did an SKB 28. A Beretta ASE90 Gold X Trap single trigger stopped switching barrels as did the trigger on my Beretta SO5 Sporting. The factory trigger on a Fox XE 12 won't switch if I fire the left barrel first. These are just the ones that I can remember.

It seems to me the most reliable single triggers in clays guns are on the Beretta 680 series and the Browning Citoris. In my experience the Perazzi shooters had the most trouble with triggers.

Yes, anyone who has been around guns and shooting long enough has heard hoards of stories or experienced problems regarding single trigger failures on shotguns with more than one barrel.........

Many will argue in their favor, like Chuck H and Stan who think single triggers are right up there with radial tires...... cry

Whatever floats yer boat I guess........Argentina usually separates the winners from the losers.........
