Martin, go to a Barnes and Noble book store and pick up a bird watching book with upland birds and their habitats. I have a Sibley's Guide to Birds by David Allen Sibley. It lists all the North American upland birds and where their habitats are.
You could hunt Gamble's, Montezuma and Scaled Quail in Arizona and New Mexico, Chukar in Nevada, Blue & Sage Grouse in Wyoming. and Hungarian Partridge, Sharp-Tail Grouse and Pheasants in the Dakotas. If you continue East, you can chase Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
And you'll see some pretty country along the way and be pleased that gas is only $3.80 a gallon here versus Euro 1.80 back in Kemnathan, or about $9 a gallon when converted to USD and Gallons!
