I posted a couple of pics, it looks like the Acme gun somewhat, there are a few differences. Well, i guess it's just another old gun, just thought i would try to find out a little information on it. A friend of mine from the days of working at the University of Mississippi, Mike Stewart, has a little dog training business just outside of Oxford, Ms. I was out there today and noticed he has a few doubles on display, one belonged to William Faulkner. Maybe i'll see if he wants this old gun for decoration in his retail store. Thanks, John in Oxford Ms.
Oh, i forgot to tell the name of his little dog training business, it's WildRose, maybe someone has heard of it. Go visit it sometime, it's not bad for an ole southern boy from Mississippi. We do shine well at times......

Last edited by J.C./Oxford Ms.; 10/04/12 12:18 AM.