I took up shooting to get away from people who golf! But, my gunsafe is, at the moment, quite full. A double each of gauges 12, 16, and 20 is at home in there, as are three different pump 12s, two 20s, and a 16, in addition to two handguns (one other is in my jacket pocket) as well as several .22 rifles. There are several gun projects laying about I haven't counted, either.
Hell, I've got choke tubes that aren't out of the package yet.

I can't afford serious art (I have a three month old son and a Colombian born wife who stays at home to care for him) but, much as I enjoy looking at art, I don't need to own it. I need to own an IRA and a pension, and an education fund of some sort. The guns are art, I suppose, but, I demand it be functional-I own no safe queens. I have more than I could ever be truly proficient with. Remember the saying "Beware the man with one gun"? I've strayed quite far from that. I don't believe it has improved my shooting. Or, actually, anybodies shooting.

A 410 on top of that would be simple folly, and plenty exists in other forms about the homestead, ie, my motorcycles, old musclecar, boat and whathave you.

You can have my 410. Did I mention I bought 4 boxes of Federal 20 gauge ammunition for $15.97 at Walmart, and the cheapest 410 was $8.97 a box?
Folly. Simple folly.