I have a hard and fast rule here. I will NOT buy a C&R eligible firearm from someone who refuses to accept my license. Anyone selling me a firearm can easily verify I live at the address on the license in a few seconds.
This B.S. IMO is perpetrated by 01 FFLs who don't like the loss of business. I had a real run in with one FFL who wanted $100 + shipping to send a C&R firearm to me.
He lied to the seller and told them they couldn't ship the firearm to me legally and told them the consequences would be severe if they were caught.
These license's are available to upstanding citizens hobbiest collectors with no criminal record. The efforts to circumvent this intent is to undermine the whole program.
It's really ironic that the Federal Government will go after States for purportedly ignoring Federal law but has done nothing to get after that liberal pit New Jersey which refuses to recognize C&R licenses.
If we the collecting community don't take a stand here no one else will.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.