Originally Posted By: CBL1
Originally Posted By: lagopus
Larry, there is a letter in this month's Shooting Gazette magazine published in England with an appeal concerning big 8's. It appears to be an effort to publish a book on big bore guns and the writer is asking for details of interesting specimens. If you are interested in contacting him the details are as follows: Bob Watcham, Marshland Book, Great Horksley, Essex, England. e-mail marshlandbooks@btinternet.com ot Tel: 01206 272037. Lagopus.....

Bob is a great chap and a genuine wildfowler, being a member of clubs in Devon and East Anglia. He purchased his own big 8 some time back (used regularly on the marsh) and this is a valid attempt at compiling a good book specifically focused on big bores and their use. Bob also runs "Marshland Books" - arguably one of the best wildfowling book agents in the UK.

How do you find Marshland Books? do they have a web site?