What I find odd is that this is the first thread on this subject I've seen anywhere in which the Franklinian "all hang together or or all hang separately" guys have held their water long enuf for a discussion to develop about 1) which gun ownership rights follow from the documents of the Founding Fathers and which are customary privileges, 2) the role and effectiveness of small arms in modern warfare, 3) the role and effectiveness of military designs on small game, 4) the undeniable effects of population density and residential development on hunting opportunities. As all know, accomodation and compromise are emotionally-charged words among gun-rights advocates precisely because there has been accomodation and compromise aplenty and will be more no doubt. I'm not ready to abandon the old Marine long-range shooters or the "tacticals" either and I don't particularly care if you combine Harris tweed with a black pistol grip for that matter (could well be the feature combination next banned given the stupidity of the antis). To be blunt, I don't have a warm, fuzzy feeling about "Abdul can get you anything you want" or the fellow with the modern Gatling design and a piece of armour down some long lane in MD. These are not the men I'm going to throw in with no matter what they promise by way of political influence. I'll hang by myself for what I am before I hang together for something I ain't.
