Jay, since I am the guy who has called one supposedly in our gun fraternity "stupid or dishonest", I'll assume this was directed at me. Since it is little 'ol peurile me who has twisted another's name into a pejorative, I decided to respond. I thought I did an adequate job of explaining why I referred to Gnomon as stupid or dishonest. This is not the first time, and it never starts out that way. But after several rounds of him repeating the same tired mistruths, intentionally twisting my words, and dancing around or evading the issue at hand, I often resort to calling the spade a shovel.

I know you, and several others, would rather see me ignore his tactics or even say I respect his opinion just because he is, or claims to be, a gun owner. If I did that, I would have to be dishonest and insincere. You may recall that syndicated columnist Carl Rowan was also a gun owner. He used his typewriter for years as a weapon to weaken or destroy the Second Amendment. I have more disdain for Carl Rowan than for Gnomon because he concealed his gun ownership, but both are gun owners who use the written word to help slip the nose of gun control under the big tent. Apparently, you would have us welcome them and engage them and gently try to convert them. Good luck with that. You probably think that talking with Iran will dissuade them from pursuing nuclear weapons too.

But I couldn't help noticing that you are very selective when defending members of our "fraternity" when it comes to name calling or insults. I have been on the receiving end numerous times, but I'm OK with that and can defend myself just fine, thank you. I note that in threads of this ilk, Jim and DaveK are often targets of ridicule, insults, and name calling as well. Thankfully, they too are more than capable of self-defense, because Gunflint Charlie is never there coming to the rescue.

I probably shouldn't read too much into that. But this puerile, invective hurling, ardent and righteous defender of threats to our gun freedoms is ferverently hoping that the "fence sitters" are incapable of recognizing hypocrisy.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.