Another hunting forum I belong to is having a similar discussion, about outfitters/professional hunters not delivering on promised hunts.

The consensus is, there's usually two sides to a story and bad Internet publicity in a one-off situation can be pretty hurtful.

From the bumbellybeak (great handle, by the way) post, I couldn't tell if the scam was that he got caught up in this or if the seller hasn't refunded his money.

If it's the former, and you have the cash back in your pocket, I'm not sure giving up a name is the right thing to do. But your post does remind all of us that we really need to be judicious when buying anything from just pictures.

If it's the later, and you've gone through the "I've returned your gun two weeks ago and I don't have my money back yet, so I'm posting a warning to my friends on the DG forum", by all mean, post us the story. If the seller is a poster here, they can post a rebuttal. Too bad you don't have the original photos you received and some photos you took - so we can compare. I don't doubt you for a second, but a defect in one person's eyes is character to another.