Originally Posted By: PA24

Arizona has already changed for the worse...That is why we left after nearly 30 years in AZ......

I went to college at Arizona State in the early 60's and you would not recognize Arizona today in comparison to how "Arizona used to be"....the midwest-eastern liberals, with Illinois leading the surge (according to the state statistics) have flooded Arizona and brought with them the mindset and habits that they wanted to get away from, how many times have you heard "back home we used to do it this way".....What used to be a wonderful conservative state, is no more......

This is how someone as stupid and liberal as Napalitano was elected........

These American immigrants brought with them their voting habits from when they were back in "their home state"......as we used to say, 'Snowbirds don't tan, they Rust'..........and "Welcome to Arizona, now go home"....these snow birds would come out, spend a winter or two, then decide to permanently move to Arizona......THE REST IS HISTORY MY FRIEND............Basically Florida 101.......

I relocated here(Yes from Illinois) 16 years ago. I lived there after being born and raised in Massachusetts. All I can do is compare Arizona with those two liberal hellholes where I once resided.
Arizona is a breath of fresh air compared to those stinkers.
I understand what you're saying in regard to liberal relocators and some of my neighbors of that persuasion have taken strong exception to my collecting interests. The worse ones I encountered moved here from California. In many cases they're on their way back as they bought there houses at the peak of the housing boom and are now seriously underwater or being forclosed on. Napolabimbo got elected due to the fall out from Symington's activies who preceded her as Governor. She's pretty dense but also devious and believed to be up to her neck in the Fast and Furious scandal right along with Holder.
The bottom line is there may be better States to live in but I haven't found one and I don't personally know of many conservatives who are ready to give up here.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.