Well let me rephrase then. For argument's sake, let's say Charles Daly #7 did have permission use #59. Is there any way to tell how & where the 1st 50 issues were dispersed and moreover if each satellite stamping station had or had not the same sequence as WR or A&D? I'm curious if there were multiple A&D Brevete/Patent sequences or a single? Last, any idea what the lowest permission use number in the Charles Daly offerings?

Joseph Jakob DR with permission use number 1152. Interesting on OWD's thread that a fella who indicates he is a descendant of Joseph Jakob noting Jakob was born in Bohemia in 1834 and that one of Jakob's daughter-in-laws was shot in the arm in the immaculately clean shop. Assuming it took him till age 24 to attain his master's brief pairs well with the 1859 date that some references give as the year he hung out his shingle.

Kind Regards,
