Originally Posted By: RHD45
Well, that's the main problem: way too many people on the planet. No one wants to just let things go and let the "survival of the fittest" rule even things out. We're still going to want the best medical care available and all the things that go with it that extend our lives long past where many of us would have been gone. We'll still try and feed the starving to the age of reproduction in 3rd world countries when they'll breed more people that will ensure more strain on resources.I don't think the world will be as fun to live in the next 50 years unless some dramatic changes take place.

If you want to get nervous about the future, read America Alone by Mark Steyn. The biggest problem isn't overpopulation, it's the depopulation of what we think of as Western civilization, with China and India not far behind. Demographic trends don't look good for civilization.

Now there's a spanner in the works!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia