I propose that you consider the momentous scale of regulating a huge chunk of the wealth of our nation out of existence. And in the hope that the rest of the world will also sacrifice so that Florida and Louisiana don't flood in case global warming really is man-made and signifigant. I say again it is not CO2 that is the problem but people screwing and penicillin. And just like they refuse to give up screwing and keeping their kids alive with penicillin they are not going to give up fossil fuels either.

Shitty thing is we are all stuck with the same consequences. If my descendents are living a third world existence because ya'll decided that we needed go green and eliminate fossil fuels and it turns out global warming was not man-made or it turns out not to be a signifigant rise or it turns out the rest of the world did not go along they will still be poor and I will have been right.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 03/19/12 08:42 PM.

I am glad to be here.