Originally Posted By: Gnomon
Originally Posted By: nca225
Tell me Canvas, if you were to jump as high as you can, do you have faith that you will come back to the ground are you just positive that the force of gravity will decelerate and then overcome the velocity of your jump, and then cause you to go in the opposite direction back to the ground at a rate of 9.8M/s2?

I would not call knowing that gravity is going to have an effect on your jump, "faith".

Scientists are trained in a discipline that ensures reliableness, accuracy and precision. Trusting in results attained through that discipline is not faith.

....Here's a real example: Everyone who has ever taken a course in organic synthesis will have encountered the phenomenon of getting a yield that exceeds the theoretical yield - in essence it appears that one has created matter. That has been demonstrated by many ways to be impossible by ordinary chemical means. Yet the observation is made that a student has a 110% yield.

That's one to ponder.

Are you sure there's much to ponder here. Do you and nca believe that if joe blow jumps off a building, he'll accelerate to the speed of light, or will he approach the speed of the neutrino.

Does selectively with holding some science help make your case, just as it does for the militant global warming elites. How do you reconcile thousands of emails circulated among the chosen few 'scientists' until they all agree and present the 'findings' at a summit.

Nca's description of a scientist is way off in fantasy land. A scientist probably shouldn't be indoctrinated to regurgitate. Good science should be reliably verified, indepedently. How could 'climate change' be predicted with precision, and why don't you folks have solar panel from solyndra and drive volts. You have been told you must, so market be damned.