Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
Guess I'm out of ideas here.

The posted 'sciencespeak' link clearly shows that international public policy is being driven by fraudulent claims.

Time will tell. I well remember working at a gas station (mostly outside) during the winters of 1976 and 1977. The newspaper articles then referred to the obvious approaching ice age.

The problem here shotgunjones, is one of rationality vs belief. And we can't change the mind of true believers of man-made climate change anymore than change the mind of religious zealots because that is what they are, zealots and facts be damned.

I too remember the hysterical warnings of the coming ice age, as well as the Group of Rome declaring the world would have run out of food by now. There are always chicken littles running around, extrapolating out in to the future, as though their extrapolations are fact.

I find it funny, although sad, the unadulterated hated and derision exhibited by the left for the christian fundamentalists in the US today and yet so many of them engage in the same type of FAITH based beliefs. Like so many fundamentalists everywhere, they insist the rest of us believe along with them.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia