Chuck H

Thanks for the heads up. If I ever make it down there I'll make sure my SGLI is paid up. I was hoping maybe he was Warren Buffett spending his "Last Dollar"! Warren, if you're out there, get in touch.

Italian SxS

Your a grown man and I'm not going to lecture you or tell you how to live. Did you mention anything to LD expressing how you felt? He pissed me off and I let himknow it, man to man, so to speak. I know I've said a lot of things to people that I wished I hadn't and they forgave me. I'm no saint, I'm pretty sure LD is'nt one either. It's small potatoes Itallian, maybe you don't have bigger things to worry about, and if that's the case you are truly blessed, but some of us do and I'm not going to stew because someone used a word I don't like. He apolagised and that's good enough for me.