Somebody tell me I am wrong about this, please!! The sign on the lathe says Central Machinery. I have a catalog that came in the mail a few days ago from Harbor Freight. That's their name brand on the inexpensive Chinese tools they sell. Other tools I have seen from Harbor Freight look like cheap junk, and the prices on the Central Machinery lathes and tools in the catalog are absolutely the cheapest I have seen anywhere. That would make me tend to put them in the same cheap junk category. I am very surprised a 'smith of Mr. Merrington's repute would use such machinery. What am I missing here. I purposely avoided Harbor Freight when I bought my lathe, ended up spending about $1,000 more for a machine the same size as theirs but supposed to be much better made and capable of holding much finer tolerances. Maybe he only uses this thing for rough work, such as the exterior barrel turning she appears to be doing on his machine.

Miller??? Chuck H ???? What am I missing here?