Originally Posted By: RCC
There is nothing silly about wearing orange while hunting, Jerry, but it is a little silly to wear it out to dinner at night.

I think that is what Greg was talking about, and it surely marks the out of state fellows for all the locals, something that is a little amusement the first week, but is much less so later in the season.

On the money Bob, Thanks!!! I guess my point is, you see guys running around wearing all kinds of hunting garb, some which you can tell the guy is a real hunter who takes his sport to heart, then you have those who have a need to show what they want to be. I don't care if the guy wears hot prink, it's his call, but it sure gets a laugh from others. I know I sure would look stupid if I wore my Wing Works vest into Ohm's Cafe for breakfast before going out. I know I don't put my vest on until I'm in the field.

I saw one guy, I sh** you not, wearing his full blaze orange vest, with the shell loops all filled and a bandoler also full of shells go into the cafe in Center, ND. The guy had ND plates on his rig, but sure looked stupid, so this is not confined to out of staters either.

I'm not against blaze orange at all, good idea all the way around. But for Gods sake use a little common sense when wearing it. Leave it in the truck until you get to the field. Hunting is a sport not a fashion show. End rant!

Thanks again all!


Gregory J. Westberg