Originally Posted By: Michael Petrov
IMO one of the better deals yesterday.

If you were the high bidder on this what would be the first thing you would do with it?


Get rid of that white line pad!

An awful lot of wood & checkering wear but nearly 100% blueing. Not even the safety scratched from sliding back and forth. No blueing wear to the bottom of the action behind the trigger guard, but immediately behind that, the checkering is worn nearly flat.

That RJK signiture looks a little suspect at least in the picture.
The bluing from the cuts of the engraved signiture have worn,,but none of the bluing has worn from any other engraving cuts in the scroll pattern.
Pretty sloppy lettering for Kornbrath,,but who knows..

That wood damage around the bottom tang. That and the wear makes the wood look like it's from another shotgun to me.

Just looking at the pics (and I do realize it's tough to judge by them alone), there's a few questions about the gun and too much assumed IMHO.
...which isn't worth more than the going rate of .02!