I have an N.R.A. Sporter action that I obtained a few years ago sans stock and stock hardware. It was and still is 100% ARMORY MINT. I obtained a semi shaped stock blank and had it completed along with the stock hardware by Chuck in Denver modeled from an original of his. He shot it the other day in windy conditions and obtained a 3" OFFHAND GROUP at 75 yds. I had this built for my 14 year old daughter and Ryan Mc Nabb here kindly contributed the barrel band (THANKS AGAIN! RYAN) My daughter ask if I would request members here if they would be kind enough to submit photos of classic pre-war checkering patterns so she can choose from them to have one checkered on her Sporter. She is, I am proud to say already an avid reader of our site and is an avowed Classic PRE-WAR RIFLE devotee. Anyone responding to Hallye's request is THANKED PERSONALLY IN ADVANCE! Warmest to all Jerry and Hallye