Humbled. But really I have so much to learn. The guys at Price Street are the real masters...I just watch and tweak based on what I see from the true artists. Here are some pictures.

A bit about the gun. This gun has been waiting for the stock to be finished. I put the final coat on last night and other than a bit of oil it's done. I saw this gun and auction at the last Holt's. I'd wanted a Greener to restore for a long time and really like them. This is a FP45/50 so a top end Greener, one below Royal, that sort of scale. It's got a Facile Princeps action and is rather a clever gun. Greener went to court with Westley Richards over this action twice in the later 19th and early 20th century. He won both times. This gun has a really nice piece of wood and it's had 40 or more coats of oil and a tru-oil blend at the end on it. I've had to fix wear on the sears but other than that it's been a complete restoration and I've really enjoy it. I love this gun.

Forgive my finger prints and a few screws need a final tighten...