Originally Posted By: Marc Ret

I'm not the one who presented the x-ray as evidence. The burden of proof lies with the one presenting it as fact. I asked a simple question. I wanted to know the facts regarding that particular x-ray. I don't believe I made any mention of your information. Has academia and the scientific community reached the level of arrogance where the masses are not allowed to question the "facts" presented to them?

I don't have PhD after my name Brent. Therefore, I'm certain, my words are of no concern to you. The only evidence I can personally present were the approximately 3,500 whitetail deer I was involved in processing while working in a friend's father's butcher shop over a period of 6 separate deer seasons here in PA. Of all the deer that went through his shop, I saw only a handful that had a wound similar to the one represented in the x-ray. Most of that fragmenting was from the copper jackets, not the lead core.


Marc, here is quite a bit of data about the amount of lead residual found in deer and other game animals due to fragmentation provided by a host of agencies and State Health organizations. It might be of some help addressing your questions that I cannot. (I'm not a ballistics and fragmentation expert)
