My My Did I stick a stick in a hornets nest? I know some here don't like CSMC. And some don't like Tony Galazan. I didn't get to meet him when I went up there last week but I would have liked to. I probably would have given him as big a hug as I gave Addam( to his dismay I might add). There is a man who takes a chance putting products on the market that has a very small following in this country. He seems to be successfull and I am very happy about that because he and his company is American. He has assembled a workforce that can build a very fine shotgun and build a machine made afordable gun for us working folk. I know that the RBL is not the best SxS out there but for the money there is no comparison. Want to buy a turk for almost the same money? I shot a SKB for many years digesting many 10's of thousands of rounds. I expect that my RBL will do the same. I don't consider a loose burr that big of a deal, it was just a little inconvenient. I have to say that I love my RBL. It looks good and I shoot it good. It smacks them targets,ducks,geese hard and far. I can say that it is a keeper and it will get sold when I am to old to swing it or at my estate sale. So I think that Tony has built a very fine enterprise in a difficult environment. And if some day in the future I can buy a Fox I hope they are still there.