George and others who don't think the fo'hunnertn' ten is a decent game gun.

I am going to stick my neck out here, and make a promise. Our opening day of dove season is 41 days away. I will shoot opening day afternoon with a new .410 S x S (Yildiz) and report back to this thread (if I can still find it then) on what the outcome was. I cut my teeth on a .410 S x S, but haven't used one on game in about 48 years. I will be shooting 11/16 oz. loads of no. 8 shot, and I give you all my word that I will report is exactly as it happened, dove count and shell count.

If I indeed kill a limit of 15 doves with a respectable number of shells, will any of you concede that the lil' gun may, just may, be a game gun under the right circumstances?

Remember, it only takes one proven positive example to disprove a theoretical negative. smile


May God bless America and those who defend her.