I started cooking at about age 9. My mother never liked to fry, especially squid which tended to pop grease. By college I was a fair cook and by law school I learned that the best way to a woman's heart (and other spots) was through her stomach. I cooked smothered quail and biscuits for a young lady and have now been married to her for 16 years. Wild turkey gumbo made on the duck and andoule (sp) sausage is hard to beat. If you want something the kids will eat, take a wood duck breast sear it in bacon grease and slice it and serve it on saltine crackers. Like someone said earler, venison is fine as long as you age it (see Wayne Nish's earlier comment on dry ageing) and cook it rare or cook it forever in a stew or chilli. Never did the rare woodcock with entrails intact but would not be opposed to it. Here in Alabama we eat most everything although I have never beeen able to cook possum or armidillo. (if someone else did I would try it.)