Thank you for your suggestions.
I will come clean and admit that the gun in question is not a 100 year old sidelock from London,
but a Browning Twelvette from 1969. Even though it's an auto-loader, this model has me charmed.
Very nicely put together, and quite a novel design.
The old finish has been stripped with Citristrip and denatured alcohol. I have raised some dents
but have not sanded yet.
I've decided to use heat to try to migrate the old lubricant out.
If I'm not happy with the results, the acetone bath will be my back up.
Would it be possible to soak just the head of the stock in acetone, or will that leave a visible line?
Or is it better to chuck the entire stock in the acetone?
I have taken some before pics and hope to show the afters when I finish.
Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming.