In order to “resolve” or cancel the forces from firing, the hinge pin must absorb the force. The bite(s) prevent the gun from opening when fired but do not significantly impact the resolution of the force from firing. The standing breech is where the force starts, it is transmitted to the barrel which moves forward slightly when the firing occurs. The brass provides a gasket between the standing breech and the barrel but also transmits the load to the barrel. This load or force is stopped or resolved by the hook and pin. Therefore, there is high pressure exerted on this area for very short times but there is pressure none the less. There is also movement as the metal in the water table flexes slightly on firing. The flexing is what is minimized by a longer water table and the action is prevented from cracking by the radius between the standing breech and the water table. The bolts and corresponding bites lock the barrel to the water table so that they flex as a unit but the forward thrust is resolved by the hinge pin alone.