Very few things have an absolute "Only" way of doing it. I acquired a ML'ing Shotgun in the mid 60's & used it a considerable amount for rabbit hunting with Beagles. I always had it poiled between uses & bagan by swabing out the oil & snapping a few caps prior to loading. After several misfires on the first shot, from not geting immediate action I tried other methods. What I settled on was swabing out the bores with alchol & being sure it had time to totally evaporate & that some squirted through the nipples. After that I never dry snapped a cap again & never had another first shot misfire. Cap residue will sometimes clog the nipple & is worse on a dry fire as there is no back pressure to clear it. Use what works though & what you are comfortable with, but this has been my preferred method for either my shotgun or cap-lock long rifle. If I know I'm going hunting "Tomorrow", I do the alcohol swab "Tonight" & stand it muzzle down to drain out overnight. So far has worked every time.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra