Originally Posted By: Jim Legg
Several of us have answered your question, already. The comparison to a hose nozzle is quite ridiculous, to begin with. The water is coming out as a continuous stream. The shot exits the muzzle as a short mass, as shown in the pictures. If you could burp an inch long slug of water out of a hose, it would not be bent by moving the hose nozzle, either. You've had your answers, you're just refusing to read and accept the logic contained in them. Proving that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him think.

Yes sir, NOW many people have answered the question (including yourself) and I thank you all. But only 7 people actually contributed to this conversation. Stan, Ben-T, Rocketman, ShotgunJones, L. Brown, Mike Campbell (after initially not contributing, later did contribute) and yourself. The rest of the 40 some odd posts are either passing the buck, making fun of me, or simply saying that my ideas are poppycock without explaining why. Can you see how those comments are not effective in answering my question? These people didn't contribute a single intelligable comment to this thread: KY Jon, Jimmy W, HomelessJoe, JayCee Wonko and you Jim (initially but did eventually contribute something of worth). Wonko and Kensal Rise passed the buck to other references that, if I'd had those books I'm sure would have answered my question.

I'm sorry but I thought he point of this kind of forum was to have conversations like this and dispell rumors and myths. In my 129 posts on this forum I've been persecuted for God knows how many different things. You guys must like keeping your membership elite, because you've got to be running people off. I'm darn close to giving up on this forum myself.

It's sad that people who can be so cool to talk to and have so much information to share can be so full of piss and vinegar.

American by birth, Texan by grace of God.