With all due respect, what difference should it make to my Chicago born/raised/trained family MD if I keep guns in my home? And why can't he think for himself instead of putting forth questions from the AMA, an organization that makes no bones about the fact that they don't like even your guns?
He directed this question to my wife (what the hell would she know about what guns are kept in the home?) at which point I set him straight. If there was any BS in the conversation, it came from him, as I asked him point blank what he knew about guns and his reply was he knew they are dangerous.
The fact the conversation took place during a clinic visit instigated by his office to inform us they had screwed up the storage requirements of the vaccinations they had administered to my infant son, and needed to re-vaccinate him, was the icing on the cake. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have more thimerosal coursing the lads veins, compliments of his clinic. The quality of my "providers' has been slipping for a number of years, additionally, many of them seem to have become no more than salesman for the phamaceuticals, with little interest in spending more than 5 minutes per visit with us, always, ALWAYS suggesting a perscription of some sort instead of trying to figure out what might be the actual cause of what is ailing us. This particular clown overslept the night my son was being delivered, but managed to get into the room in time to take over for the nurse on duty, just in time to see the boys knees being born.
I should have asked for a discount, and given it to her. Actually, I should have knocked him on his ass. I was beyond furious on what could have been the happiest day of my life.
I stay as far from the doctor as I can, and will probably rue that fact some day, but the truth simply is, I don't know a good one. I wish I did.
Yes, I'm looking for a new one, but my wife appreciates the fact he can utter some Spanish. I've had it with this clinic, the Doctors who populate it, and the whole medical profession in general.

I'm not alone, it would seem.
