XC - "fake" can take a lot of twists and turns; everything from "improvement" of current condition to outright building of a new gun that may fool everyone to making/shading/improving of documents. Mr. Julia made a strong case for this gun being "intended" to belong to the Czar. Yet, "intent" is very hard to prove. On the other hand, this gun seems very likely to be one of actual mystery guns of the last century. What is that worth? The price range for this gun begs the most careful of scrutiny, research, and discussion. There is also the possibility that this gun's documentation was part of a practical joke that has taken on life of its own. I doubt that any of the craftsmen involved in the gun had any intent to "fake" anything,butthe interpertation of their work may be an issue. Fun to speculate, but I'm really interested to see what the money thinks.