Mike, one question: where would a small Birmingham maker shoot his gun? Go to the range then back to St. Mary's? Back and forth? Comm'on. Jack mentioned that he only remembered Scott and Greener having an area available for shooting. I don't see why y'all think a gun cannot be lined up without all this rigamaroe. Heck, I've boresighted a whole lot of rifles to shoot within an inch at 50 yards. No big deal at all. What's the difference with a shotgun? And what good is precise POI regulation going to do if there's the slightest change in cartridge from that which was used to regulate in the first place?

Also, if it was a regular practice, don't you think there would be a lot of information about it? Nada....zip....zero.

Oh, while we're at it: how are you going to regulate elevation after the fact? Put on new ribs?

P.S. Being snowed in all day is making me grumpier than usual. And my quail are having to stay outside in all this ice!

Last edited by Joe Wood; 01/28/10 09:09 PM.

When an old man dies a library burns to the ground. (Old African proverb)