Thanks for the comments thus far. This gun is headed up to Pa next weekend to the same folks who did the shaping on the Chrysler Fox. I've got loads of ideas on what this is to look like as far as action shaping goes. At this point (subject to discussions with PGS) its sort of a combination Dewey Vicknair, Burt Becker and Lindner Daly. It will be distinctive but tastefully done. Ken Hurst has agreed to take on the engraving as well, but that will be down the road. I certainly give Mr. Hughes high marks as his books have helped inspire this project. Just his section in his latest book about what to look for in a used gun allowed me to very carefully select what I should look for in a project gun.

I'm hopeful this will indeed be something that all of the craftsman involved will be glad they undertook at the end of the day. Still loads to do, beyond action shaping, to include what wood should be used, checkering patterns, engraving of course etc. etc. The trigger guard is just one part of the multitude of areas to think about. Frankly more thought is going into this project then I ever imagined. PS. On top of everything else, I'm trying to keep this project under my self imposed budget limits, or should I say what I told my wife I was going to spend.

foxes rule