Nice one there Major-the Limerick purists might get on your case for a 6 liner-with your permission, Sir, may an old Gyrene "field strip" that puppy and with me wicked Irish ancestry behind me, re-craft that to a five liner? And thanks for putting your life on the line for our Country in the sandbox War against terrorists---now, by your leave, Sir- here's me first "shot outta da box" goes like this: There once was a paratrooper named McChecker--Who was born with a corkscrew shaped pecker- He reconned North Carolina ( 82nd. AB) For a broad with a cross threaded vagina- Until his search was halted by orders from Colonel Becker!!

Last edited by Run With The Fox; 06/04/09 07:50 PM.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..