Well,we all know what registration led to in Canada and the UK.They decided you did not need the guns any more and legislated them away.When my government decides they are afraid for their citizens to be armed it's time for a different government.The social planners want a nation of people who do what they are told and don't have the means or the will to resist the "new order" that they deem is good for society as a whole.The population explosion is making it more and more difficult for the relatively few in power to control the general populace.The "10%" used to mean much less in sheer "force" than it does now,take the 10% of a billion Muslims that are extremist sympathetic as an example.A relatively few, armed and resolute,can make it very difficult to control large areas,urban and rural.I understand wanting to have compliance with the laws by all,but I also understand we have a Constitution that gives us rights that they can't take away without resistance of some sort.Sooner or later we are going to have to come to terms with the lawlessness in this country,from citizens and from illegals.I don't think circumventing the 2nd amendment is the way to do it.