Originally Posted By: Lowell Glenthorne
If it is true, that the Nancy and Harry show didn't agree with Holder's statements, wouldn't this be time to ditch the role of being a counterpuncher?

These two first and formost are politicians and the older I get the more jaded my views become in regard to politicians true intentions. The smarter Democrats know they made a stupid blunder with the feel good do nothing Clinton weapons ban and in the end it cost them dearly at the polls. Firearms are on the back burner for all but the most dedicated enthusiasts at the moment since at this time as the average person is far more concerned about losing their home,job,security,the economy etc. I suspect these two are reluctant to awaken a sleeping giant which constitutes the vast majority of gun owners in this Country.
We can NEVER let our guard down and I can tell you outfits like Handgun Control Inc. are working furiously at this time to further their real aim of an eventual total firearms ban. I know this because I monitor their activities.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.