Darnes are for bird hunters. I have a Ted Schefelbein imported Bruchet built Darne R-15 20 gauge that is a straight up bird killing machine. Its long slender barrels, perfect balance make shooting birds in any presentation a piece of cake. Most Darnes people see in this U.S. are pretty plain, rarely do you see one that is built to the "best" standards. How many of you have actually held a Bruchet built Darne in your hands? Not many. Most people who "try out" a Darne don't know how to properly work the action, therefore manipulation of the action seems very awkward. When you get used to it...its as slick as butter, and if you practice....the Darne can be faster to load than a traditional barn hinged shotgun. Another plus....they dont shoot loose....EVER. Bollocks with all the complaining about Darne safeties and Greener safeties...a couple minutes of practice and they become second nature.

Last edited by LeFusil; 01/10/09 09:10 PM.