Actually, Lads, I liked it- as Gen. George Smith Patton Jr. and General Nathan Bedford Forrest and General Robert E. Lee were first and foremost- horsemen- never had the pleasure- maybe Old Homely Joseph can find me one in the alleys of Memphis' beale Street-where he does his "Parker Patrols" turn up a few SBT's down there do yee Joey Boy- In a Pig's Ass you do!! But gooder news, Blagdovich has tried to work the "race track card" in his "pick the new senate seat musical chairs"--That DFP just don't see the forest for the trees- his crooked and corrupt ways have even offended the Senate- the House that Greed and Pork built- OH well, next four years with the new Boy at 1600 PA Ave. with be "colorful" to say the least- Lock and Load 'em-!! RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..