Rev Doc Drew- huum- let's "field strip" that moniker- but first, as to your Not Even close- "Close only counts in Hand Grenades (Frag or Concussion) C-4 and Det-Cord''

Now old Cecille B. DeMille was a most religious man, just quoting him- and look at all the great Bible movies he made- Inherit the Wind was about the Scopes "evolution" trial in TN in 1925- Clarence Darrow, Kenesaw Mt. Landis, Wm. Jennings Bryan with his "cross o' precious metals" clutched tightly to his vest, like a Baptized sinner clingin' to a AnaBaptist lifelife--

Those who try to make peace between either warring or about to be at war nations, end up inheriting the wind, ask old Limey-Boy Neville Chamberlain about that after his golf game with Herr Adolph and Joaquim Von Ribbentrop in 1938-- First, Adolph annexed his homeland of Austria in Der Anschuss- then the Sudentenland(s)- never a wimper from the Limeys-wasn't their cricket match I guess- Then Adolph took a lttle "breather"- see the Mel Brooksie classic movie "SpringTime for Hitler" and his great goose-step "shuffle off to Buffalo" routine and the lyrics about "Peace"-- Hitler sings in falsetto- "A little piece of Scotland, a little piece of France,a little piece of Poland= and then the Blitzkreig Dance"" guess it all depends on how you spell piece/peace--and we sure did Inherit That Wind- 1944- Tassafarangas Bay- and the Jap's "Divine Wind", later replayed for those who blindly believe you can negotiate with bullies or terrorists- 9/11/2001- remember??

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..