
I said "Nash's old stomping grounds" not to shoot with Nash himself needless to say.


If you happen to run into me at a shooting match or gun show, feel free to come along and try to give me that "mouthful of busted teeth" you threaten. I think you'd sooner try to jerk off a wildcat with a handful of cockle burrs but feel free to give it a go if you're feeling froggy. Soon as I get home I'll post a picture so you'll know exactly who you're looking for.

If you knew anything about me you'd realize I'm far from an elitist. I started my hunting with an H&R single shot because that's what my Dad could afford. I still remember the day he gave me my first double. A well used Lefever Nitro 16 gauge, felt like I had a real gun then. Dad and Grandpa always used Stevens doubles to deadly effect and I felt like they were good guns then and still do now. But a plastic and alloy Mossburg is a POS no matter how you slice it.

I'm an Illinois State hunter and firearm safety instructor which means I teach kids every chance I get. I live in Michigan but drive all the way here for the classes when I'm able to get off work. I always take some old guns for the kids to handle during the course.

Oh Christ, why am I bothering to explain myself to some dickweed on the internet. You don't know me and I already think you're an a$$hole so why bother.


Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits