I hope there is a special corner in hell for elitist pricks that look at someone's gun, likely a younger, poor, or, female shooter in the case of a Mossberg, and refer to it as a "POS". If you did it while I was present, you would find yourself un-invited, if not with the mouthful of busted teeth you would so richly deserve. If someone shows up to shoot with a functional, safe gun, Mossberg 500s included, why the hell should anyone be anything except thankful that said shooter wasn't instead involved with ALF, Human Farming, or Greenpeace, or any number of other crazy organizations? They are one of us.
People who make comments like that are too stupid to see the forest for the trees. Really. Think next time. A kid, or a female, or a person of modest means, or just someone who needs a functional gun, doesn't need a Purdey to learn how to shoot, and shooting within the bounds of ethics and game laws does not require shooting some gun that someone else approves of. When Obama and Biden come to your neighborhood to take the Mossbergs, are you going to say nothing because you have a double, and you don't care about POS pumps? If so, you may want to re-think that.
I'd rather hear about how many youngsters you will be helping to learn the ropes than where you intend to hunt, or what gun you might be shooting, MarketHunter. If you ever get into getting kids started in the field, those Mossbergs are perfect for teaching. They are repeater 101. For some people, they are perfect for eveything.
Yes, this is a double forum, but, that doesn't give you a right to dismis out-of-hand the Mossberg 500 that is the pride and joy of a young hunter who may be reading the forum for entertainment. Maybe it was all the gun his single parent could swing. I know a few folks like that.