I've only bought about six guns via internet sites. Maybe I've just been lucky, but by sticking with sellers who provided many good sized pictures and detailed descriptions, and who also would promptly answer any additional questions I had, I have done OK. One seller of an I Grade Lefever had pictures so large and clear that I don't think I could have seen more by holding it in my hands at a shop. In fact, that gun was actually better than I thought. That said, if I ever do have a bad experience after due diligence on my part, I WILL certainly out that dealer here and I don't care who thinks it ungentlemanly. I really feel that is a service we can and should provide to each other here to lessen the chance it will happen to us or others. I do realize one mans' subjective comments are not necessarily gospel, but a collective positive or negative rating will help us decide to take a chance or steer clear. Short, curt comments like, "Pete Podunk is a Crook" are not helpful. Be specific. If I say a gun has 80% case color and you think I'm a liar because in your opinion it has 79%, say that so that the rest of us can decide if I'm a liar or you are nit-picking. I really do hate it though, when someone here gets burned, describes the burn in great detail, cannot resolve the problem, and then refuses to let us know who the unscrupulous dealer is.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.