
I could give two $hits what gun you shoot, don't shoot, or sell. I'm always interested in hearing about a magnum Fox as I've always been keen to own one actually. But I never asked you to let me know if you were gonna sell it so I don't know where you're coming from there either.

You just go on and on here so much, most of it in relation to your collection of Model 12 shotguns that I thought maybe you'd be better off in a place where they appreciate them more. I used to shoot a Heavy Duck Model 12 a little bit and they're a fine gun but not a double. Me, I'm partial to Model 11 Remingtons, but I usually don't have much to say about them here because this isn't the forum for them.

I've held "Bo Whoop II" in my hands and it is a heavy fowling piece. I can see how Buckingham might have given it up in favor of a lighter gun in his advanced years. But I doubt Mista Nash would have gone as far as shooting a Mossburg plastic alloy POS.

I'm off to some of Nash's old stomping grounds (Reelfoot) here in a few days to hopefully shoot a duck with the old man. So do like I suggested, calm down, and keep your guns hot. I'll try to do the same. Merry Christmas to all!!!


Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits