Originally Posted By: GregSY
If I'm understanding this, he DID ask about flaws and was lied to. Or am I missing something?

No Greg, your not missing anything. You as a matter o' fact are getting what eightbore is obviously missing here, the "point".

Eightbore ASSumes that because Serban got lied to...it was Serbans fault the gun turned out to be a turd, regardless of how many "right" questions Serban asked, and how many times the seller lied in return. Pictures dont tell the whole story, you cant go off pictures alone, thats why we ask the "right" questions.....if a customer gets lied to....How is that customers fault???? I guess we have to ASSume that Eightbore got the "memmo" and is wayyyyy smarter than everyone else here.

Last edited by LeFusil; 12/22/08 07:15 PM.